The entire drive to Myrtle Beach, Dawn hoped by the time she arrived her daughter would be found. The only thing left to worry about would be that Brittanee had traveled without her parents permission. But the more calls she made, the more calls were ignored from the girls and the more stories came from Peter, the more Dawn knew that something wasn't right. Brittanee really was missing.
While Dawn was still en route, John Hahn arrived to report Brittanee as missing. According to the Missing Persons Incident Report filed with MBPD at 4:51am the next morning he met with Officers at the Bar Harbor Motel. Interestingly enough, the report states that John had been in contact with the same traveling companions that refused to answer Dawns calls. The report also states that the Officers also called the same group once talking to John and were told the same. Why did they refuse to answer when Dawn called? What was happening during the time Brittanee went missing until time MBPD got those friends to answer the phone?
Well for starters, we know that Ugur Ozturk and Viet Nguyen were arrested. While in Phil Oberer's Orange 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GT they were pulled over for a Noise Ordinance. Ugur was ticketed further for Driving without a License, and Viet for Littering. What comes as a surprise is that Ugur had already been ticketed four days prior on a driving without a license charge. Jennifer and Phil Oberer were called to come to the police station to pick up the car and post bail for Ugur and Viet. All of this is said to be around the time that Brittanee disappeared. Did Ugur and Viet see Brittanee that night? Were they a distraction for something else? Was this a set up for an alibi? Or just plain convenient timing?
We also know that by the time that MBPD showed up at the Bar Harbor Motel Room #305, the occupants were gone. They had relocated to the Boardwalk Motel Room #1435. The night staff for the Bar Harbor allowed the Officers into the room only to find their belongings, in addition to Brittanee's. What is peculiar is that Jennifer Oberer has told people that she had been the one that gave Brittanees belongings over to John Hahn in front of an Officer. How is this possible if she was never there? In fact, a follow up Incident Report was filed stating that the traveling companions were only talked to by phone. Why were these kids hiding? Better yet, what were they hiding?
What also is obvious in the second Incident Report is the discrepancies made by those in the Blue Water Resort. The roommates of Peter were located and telephoned for questioning. Anthony S, Phillip W, Keith C and Matthew A all stated that they had met Brittanee Friday night at Club Kryptonite and then spent time with her Saturday morning, between 11am and 12pm on the beach. But we all know this to be untrue as we saw the cell phone video taken of Brittanee that Friday night, date stamped and given to MBPD. They actually met Brittanee at Club Kryptonite on Thursday night. It would make sense for one guy to give the wrong day, or misspeak, but all of them? What were they hiding? What happened at Club Kryptonite that this group doesn't want anyone to know about?
So much SILENCE. So many LIES. We will find the TRUTH. We will find ANSWERS. Do you know where Brittanee is? Do you have the answers?